2025 Capitol Tracker

The lawmakers, bills and votes of the 69th Montana Legislature

A digital guide by MTFP Logo | Support this work
Last update: 10:10 PM Feb 18, 2025
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🏠 House
GOP-held 58-42
🏛 Senate
GOP-held 32-18
🖋 Governor
Greg Gianforte (R)
Sen. John Fuller, SD 4

Sen. John Fuller

Fourth-session Republican from Kalispell
Representing Senate District 4
Central Kalispell

John Fuller previously served in the Montana Senate in 2023, as well as the House in 2019 and 2021.

Montana Free Press coverage

📰 Health Care
Felony bill for adults who procure, provide treatment for trans minors advances
Feb 3, 2025Mara Silvers

Committee assignments

Senate Finance and Claims
Senate Education and Cultural Resources - Chair 🪑
Senate Public Health, Welfare and Safety
Senate Legislative Administration
Joint Appropriations Section E — Education - Vice-chair

Bills sponsored

📋 SJ 7: Joint resolution to support shooting competition as a collegiate sport
1st Cmte.
📋 SR 9: Confirm governor's appointees for Montana arts council
✴️1st Cmte.
📋 SJ 13: Study resolution for emergency medical services
✴️1st Cmte.
📋 SB 92: Generally revise eligibility requirements to practice law in Montana
1st Cmte.
📋 SB 93: Revise income taxes related to retired military members
1st Cmte.
📋 SB 94: Generally revise public sector unions law
1st Cmte.
📋 SB 96: Establish working animal protection act
1st Cmte.
📋 SB 97: Revise venue laws for cases challenging constitutionality of recent laws
1st Cmte.
📋 SB 164: Revise offense of endangering the welfare of children
1st Cmte.
📋 SB 210: Revise board of regents laws to remove statutory requirement for student regent
✴️1st Cmte.
Showing 10 of 14.
Capitolized newsletter
Expert reporting and insight from the Montana Capitol, emailed Thursdays.

Floor vote statistics

Calculations based on 346 Senate floor votes in 2025 involving bills.
🥇 80%
of votes cast on winning side
Average for Senate Republicans is 85%.
🔴 92%
of votes cast on side taken by most Republicans
Average for Senate Republicans is 89%.
🔵 55%
of votes cast on side taken by most Democrats
Average for Senate Republicans is 62%.
Fuller has been marked absent or excused for 0 votes. Average for Senate lawmakers is 2.3.

SD 4 election results

Last in-cycle for Senate election in 2022. House seats are elected every two years, Senate seats every four.

General election vote, 2022

(R) JOHN FULLER(R) 62%(D) 38%
Won by 24% (2,031 votes)

Party primary vote, 2022

(R) JOHN FULLER(R) 57%(R) 43%
Won by 13% (492 votes)

Governor vote in district, 2024

(R) GREG GIANFORTE(R) 65%(D) 33%
Won by 32% (3,427 votes)
Senators elected in 2022 were assigned new districts during the 2023 redistricting cycle.

About the 2025 Montana Free Press Capitol Tracker

This guide is an effort to make the quantifiable aspects of the Montana Legislature more accessible to the public by compiling information about lawmakers, proposed bills and the legislative process. This is a project of Montana Free Press, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit newsroom that aims to provide Montanans with in-depth, nonpartisan news coverage.

The information presented here is collected from a variety of sources including the Montana Legislature's public roster and its official bill-tracking system. Reporting and web design were done by Jacob Olness and Eric Dietrich. Please contact them at jolness@montanafreepress.org and edietrich@montanafreepress.org with bug reports, questions or suggestions.

Think there's a potential news story to be done about a bill or lawmaker you see here? Tell us at tips@montanafreepress.org.